After having my project break last thursday morning, I’ve spent my time since then recovering my project and reassembling things. It has been a bit stressful trying to get everything back in place by today’s deadline, but I am honestly kind of glad everything happened the way it did. I was not happy with how things were turning out for this project, mainly with the landscape and grass. This whole ordeal has given me the opportunity to redo both of those in favor of something better. I am using Quixel grass and landscape materials for the ground. I think if I were to do the foliage on my own, I would need a lot more time than I had to learn how to make nice and realistic foliage, so this is my best bet until I am at a point in my career where I know how to make my own. So far, my project is very close to where I was last week, and it is generally looking better overall.
Next time: finish populating areas. Possibly add back in the fixed trees