With this final version of the exhaust sim, I believe I was mostly successful with the shape of the smoke and the speed of it. I have almost doubled the speed since last time we presented our video so it should look much better now. The shader is a bit less dense now, so the smoke looks much better in terms of thickness, as well as a bit lighter in color too. While this sim is mostly successful, I was not able to control the density with a volume. I believe this is mostly due to my lack of knowledge with controlling pyro with volumes, and possibly due to the fact that sparse pyro does not have a set container size like the standard pyro solver does. If I was able to get this volume working, I would have been able to handle my two biggest issues of controlling the density so it is thinner closer to the source, as well as use another volume to control the velocity so that it slows down as the exhaust enters the volume. I plan to continue learning about using volumes so as I become more experienced with that, I might eventually understand how to incorporate the use of volumes in a pyro sim.